Who Controls Your Destiny?
A boy crouches in the corner of a thatched hovel. His feet are bloodied from traveling with no shoes and his clothes are in rags. His eyes, full of pleading, fear and sorrow, dart from side to side, uncertain. He has nothing. Absolutely nothing. No family, no friends, no teachers, no caretakers… He feels alone, abandoned, forsaken. Who controls this boy’s destiny? Who hold the strings to his marionette figure? He isn’t sure. He feels interminably alone… but he isn’t.
A little dark-skinned girl stands before her towering mistress. “Curtsey, I say!” Mistress screams. “Curtsey, you stupid girl!” The girl, though frightened, stares boldly at the woman who represents all her hates: her dreams wasted and family lost. She gains naught but a cruel smack on the cheek. Who controls this girl’s destiny? Who decides the plot of her life? Hate swims around her head, living day to day without love.
A thin girl gazes at her reflection in the mirror, unsatisfied. She reaches up to stroke her hair, plastered to her head in an elaborate bun, and adjusts her jeans which are a few sizes too large. What is wrong with me? What makes me so ugly and fat? She walks out the door of her home, leaving her breakfast and already prepared lunch behind. Who controls this girl’s destiny? Who will bring her to see the beauty in herself? She skips meals, but all she’s truly doing is starving herself.
A man rocks back and forth on his bed, face buried in his hands. Why is she doing this to me? And the kids? He looks up, tears streaming down his face which is creased with worry and deep sorrow. Through his eyes, the world he knew as home is falling to pieces around him. Who controls this man’s destiny? Who will show him that there is still joy in the world? He feels as though life itself has turned against him.
The impoverished boy, the slave girl, the anorexic teen and the divorced man may seem utterly hopeless, but God-The King of Kings, Prince of Peace and Lion of Judah-holds their destinies. And even though they feel abandoned, unwanted or unloved, God is eternally with them, revealing his great love to them. He has a plan for their futures. With God in command, these unhappy individuals will find joy and peace at heart.
Destiny cannot be altered. It’s the path of life. Relinquish control and give it to the One who looks out for best interests and has everything planned out. The key is to trust and believe.
“I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”
-Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)
A little dark-skinned girl stands before her towering mistress. “Curtsey, I say!” Mistress screams. “Curtsey, you stupid girl!” The girl, though frightened, stares boldly at the woman who represents all her hates: her dreams wasted and family lost. She gains naught but a cruel smack on the cheek. Who controls this girl’s destiny? Who decides the plot of her life? Hate swims around her head, living day to day without love.
A thin girl gazes at her reflection in the mirror, unsatisfied. She reaches up to stroke her hair, plastered to her head in an elaborate bun, and adjusts her jeans which are a few sizes too large. What is wrong with me? What makes me so ugly and fat? She walks out the door of her home, leaving her breakfast and already prepared lunch behind. Who controls this girl’s destiny? Who will bring her to see the beauty in herself? She skips meals, but all she’s truly doing is starving herself.
A man rocks back and forth on his bed, face buried in his hands. Why is she doing this to me? And the kids? He looks up, tears streaming down his face which is creased with worry and deep sorrow. Through his eyes, the world he knew as home is falling to pieces around him. Who controls this man’s destiny? Who will show him that there is still joy in the world? He feels as though life itself has turned against him.
The impoverished boy, the slave girl, the anorexic teen and the divorced man may seem utterly hopeless, but God-The King of Kings, Prince of Peace and Lion of Judah-holds their destinies. And even though they feel abandoned, unwanted or unloved, God is eternally with them, revealing his great love to them. He has a plan for their futures. With God in command, these unhappy individuals will find joy and peace at heart.
Destiny cannot be altered. It’s the path of life. Relinquish control and give it to the One who looks out for best interests and has everything planned out. The key is to trust and believe.
-Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)
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