My 7th Grade Presidential Speech
Good Afternoon(Morning/Evening) My name is Abby Dortch, and I am running for seventh grade president. Now, before I begin, I would like to make two things clear. First of all, my mom did not write this speech. Nor did my dad.
Second, I’m not always “perfect” like Presidents of the past and of the future. Like you, I make mistakes, as does the rest of the world. But I do strive to learn from my mistakes and grow from them.
As many of you already know, I’m new to Texas and Travis. I moved here from St. Louis last year, just in time for one of the hottest summers in state history. I am grateful to every single one of you for warmly welcoming me into this great school and helping make my first few weeks memorable.
Now, about this campaign - It seems lately that every time we turn on the T.V. we see people in suits and ties making impossible promises. Well, here’s the deal: I don’t wear ties and I never will. I also won’t make promises that I can’t keep. I can’t force the teachers to not give as much homework nor can I extend the length of recess. I can’t enforce new cafeteria menu guidelines, although that would be awesome. I’d lean towards Chick-Fil-A or Chipotle.…. Things like that can only be approved by the Supreme Dictator of William B. Travis.
Many of you have come up with great ideas on how to improve Travis. I know because I’ve discussed them with each of you. If you elect me as your president, I promise to listen to your ideas and hopefully make them come to life.
In theory, the class president is supposed to organize community projects and usually they include a sweltering hot day with a stand boasting misshapen pastries while students toil to raise twenty bucks! In my humble opinion, that sounds like torture. Community projects are meant to, well… better the community, and they definitely don’t have to be boring. If elected as your president, I will create a day where we truly serve the community - a day where EVERYONE in Dallas will know how fabulous the students of Travis actually are.
And finally, there is a poster in the gym that states that we should get ten to eleven hours of sleep per night. That is impossible with our current workload. Do you realize that to achieve that our parents would have to change our diapers and put us in our cribs at eight pm every night?! That has to change!
So when you cast your ballot, think long and hard about who you will support. A vote for Abby Dortch is a vote to move the 7th grade to a whole new level! <3 finger salute from HUNGER GAMES>
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