Exclusive: Interview with a Medieval Knight

          Sir Camys II is a new and victorious knight who grew up as a nobleman’s son.  In this exclusive interview you will learn what many brave knights endure for your protection.  “At age six, hence I first inquired of my father, Lord Ronillius, if I could become a page he refused, saying that I (as the eldest son) would take over the family business,” Sir Camys smiles.  “Of course, after a year had passed and I wouldn’t quit asking, he finally relented.  I became page to the late Sir Gilmyn IV who trained me how to ride on his ponies and how to use a sword.”

            When asked when he became a squire, Sir Camys replied, “Hence I turned fifteen my knight decided that I could become a squire and informed me that I would need to purchase my own four horses.  My father provided me with the money and I bought a black Destrier stallion, a bay palfrey mare, a chestnut rouncey stallion and a gray courser stallion.  I named them Cornix, Splendora, Spadix and Ravus,” Sir Camys explains as he lovingly strokes Spadix’s neck.

            When asked about his dubbing ceremony Sir Camys states, “I remember that day like it was yesterday.  I rode Splendora right up to His Majesty’s throne and he dubbed me.  Then I repeated a simple vow, swore my allegiance to the king and took part in a grand feast.  It was glorious!”

            When reporter Callie Jones inquired how much armor weighed, Sir Camys laughed, “A normal set of armor weighs about 45lbs.  And if you think that’s heavy, I’ll tell you that jousting armor weighs 100lbs!”

            “We knights fight in tournaments for training, wealth and pleasure,” Sir Camys says when asked why knights held tournaments.  “Either two knights would joust or two teams would fight in a mock battle.”

            When Ms. Jones asked the final question-what the Code of Chivalry is- Sir Camys said, “They are the rules that a true knight must follow.  They include protecting women, children, the poor and the churches.” 

            It was on this courageous note that Ms. Jones thanked Sir Camys and bid him leave.  Sir Camys is currently travelling on Ravus and Cornix to nearby Camelot to joust in a tournament.

Written and edited by Callie Jones,

(aka:  Abby Dortch)


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